When it comes to window treatments, there are a variety of options to suit different needs, styles, and spaces.Blinds, awn...
Plantation shutters are stylish and practical. They’re contemporary and increasingly popular, adding value to your home....
El Nino = hotter summers. Keep your home cool with shading.The bad news: intense heatwave headlines from around the world....
View our more up to date article on blinds for sliding doors here:I see this question a lot on home renovating blogs and F...
Did you know this about rising electrcity costs?
- electricity costs are expected to increase 30% this ...
Well, the quick answer is no. No matter what you have been promised. They are room darkening, but if you need the&nb...
Make no mistake. It’s about steam and dampness. A perfect breeding ground for mould. The Bathroom is the room in t...
Let's face it, because we live in a beautiful place like the Central Coast and leave our windows open to let the fresh a...