Question: Where's the heat coming from?
17 December 2019
Answer: 72%If 72% of your heat gain into your house is coming through your windows, then what is the BEST plan of attack to keep your home cool and without cranking up the expensive air conditio...
How Much would it cost for a house of Shutters?
1 October 2019
Are you budgeting for a remodel or new build and want to get an idea of how much it would be for a house full of shutters?  Or how much it would be for a house full of blinds?Let me help you!T...
Shutters in 6 weeks or less!
22 August 2019
Premier Shades in conjunction with Alltone Shutters Australia are proud to announce the introduction of the "Coolum range of Shutters"Assembled right here in Australia!Plantation Shutters add such va...
Want to create a cosy space with your blinds?
11 July 2019
In the cooler months its crucial to make your main living room feel cosy and warm.  You will spend more time there than summer, so its worth adapting it just for this season. The last thi...
Is there such a thing as Green Eco-Friendly choices with Blinds?
10 July 2019
Well, Green manufacturing is about minimising environmental impact while maximising the resource we have efficiently. What does that mean for blinds? Fabrics: Make no mistake there are ma...
Veri Shades are new and you've got questions!!!
18 June 2019
What is a Veri Shade Blind? A Veri Shade blind is a cross between a vertical and a curtain. It's a patented design that gives you the functionality of a vertical blind (easy to tilt open and cl...
Why we spend thousands on flying our staff to the Gold Coast
18 June 2019
When we told our friends and family we took half of our staff to the Gold Coast this month they said " I want to come work for you!" Every 3 years our industry (The Blind Industry) has a Super E...
External Awnings - can they really be Stylish and Practical?
6 May 2019
I'm talking about outside fabric awnings.  You've got this beautiful stylish home, everything is matching, modern colours but you are getting hammered by the hot sun. How do you protect you...

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18/482 Pacific Hwy
Wyoming NSW
Australia 2250

02 4324 8800

Hornsby Showroom

JBA Carpet Court
18 Salisbury Road Hornsby
NSW Australia 2077

02 9139 6797