Why we spend thousands on flying our staff to the Gold Coast
When we told our friends and family we took half of our staff to the Gold Coast this month they said " I want to come work for you!"
Every 3 years our industry (The Blind Industry) has a Super Expo showcasing the latest development in technology and trends in fabric and fashion when it comes to window furnishings.
That's an Expo you ask? Yes it is and its HUGE. People travel from all over Australia to see the latest developments. The main comment from our NEW team was "Wow, I didn't realise how big and professional the industry is.
Our team were given 3 jobs:-
- Find a NEW product we could introduce to Premier Shades and the Central Coast.
- Find a way we could do things faster/better/cheaper/smarter
- Bring a present back for your workmates that held the fort!
What's new?
- MOTORISATION! Everywhere.So many new developments, smaller, stronger, sensors to detect motion and stop. There was self-locking and unlocking, motors now talking via Siri and Apple and recharging blind motors with your phone charger.
- Some AMAZING FABRICS that really will bring a softness and level of sophistication to any room with a blind. Yes, I ordered the swatches!
- Huge, just HUGE external blinds. Some so strong a person could fall into them and bounce out again.
- CORDLESS EVERYTHING.The industry really was moving away from old fashion cords and chains and more aware of child safety and style.
- Some tremendous developments in SOFTWARE for our industry to minimise errors and offer a better customer experience.
Why did we take our team with us to the Super Expo on the Gold Coast in June?
To quote Tom O'Toole, who was once asked "What if you train your staff and they leave?" which he replied "What if I don't and they stay!"
One of our goals is to be the market leader in our region. We figure if we can be the best at what we do, there will be no need to travel away from the Central Coast to get the best. We can supply it right here. Local business, local jobs and all that! We are so proud to be a local family manufacturing business employing local people. But that means we have to invest in technology, knowledge and more importantly our people.
So although we are all a little tired this week, we are pumped up with new found knowledge and inspiration - ready to be the "local experts"
Some pics from the week!
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