Mould on your Blinds?
The main reason mould forms on blinds is a combination of
dust and moisture near the window.
There are many areas on the Central Coast that seem to suffer more from dampness inWinter. Even on a sunny day in Winter, a home can feels damp. Some homes are just prone to it.
There is a revolutionary new fabric- that inhibits the growth of mould. So much so they are offering a 10-year warranty!!
Kleenscreen is a SCREEN blind fabric has been made with SANTIZED ® protection which is designed to inhibit the growth of microorganism on your fabric. It protects the fabric surface from the formation of fungi and algae including bacteria, mould and mildew, reduces dust mites and odours and provides long lasting material protection.
Kleenscreen fabric can be used to make a roller blind (including motorised) or a panel blind (ideal for sliding doors)
Kleenscreen with Sanitized® Protection inhibits the growth of bacteria, mould and mildew on your fabric.
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