Are you REALLY ready for Summer?
With this crazy weather we have been having you'd be forgiven for thinking Summer is never going to come. But don'tHere's what the experts are saying.
Its El-Nino. It's Crazy, Its Mabo, It's the Vibe ok, they didn't say Mabo or the Vibe but its serious!
Weather experts claim we are in for the hottest 7 MONTHS we have had in a long time. SEVEN MONTHS. Temperate back up to 40 degrees will be common.
We have been told to brace for hot, dry and wild weather, despite all the rainfall we have had on the Coast in the last few weeks.
What can you Do?
The best way to protect your home from the heat is from the outside first. The sun can heat up the roof, walls and windows of your home and radiate heat through and inside.
Now, we are not roof or wall experts, but we sure do know how to protect a window!!! And glass windows can be MOST VUNERABLE.
Fabric Awnings
Canvas is by far the best for blocking out the heat, following by Acrylic Fabrics and Screen Mesh. We only do quality fabrics that are designed to be in the harsh sun. While Canvas is the best for blocking out heat, it really is BLOCKOUT. You may be sitting in a dark house. Some of the modern acrylics and quality mesh screens give you very good protection from the sun, without sitting in a dark house on a hot day. See the video below of our quality OUTLOOK screen fabric, where you can still see through.
What type of awning?
I personally have pivot arm fabric awnings over the sliding door. Ours face west and really cop the heat. It heats up those west facing rooms to an almost unbearable state. When the awning is down, we can still leave the screen door open to allow the southerly breeze to come through.
Because our products are CUSTOM MADE to your exact measurement, get to choose THE FABRIC and the style of AWNING that works best for you. Allow about 4 weeks from FREE MEASURE and QUOTE to installation.
Which awning is for you? PIVOT ARM, ZIPTRAK OR CANVAS AWNING?
Blockout from the inside?
If you don't like the look of an outside awning, and want to put quality and efficiency inside
Here's some tips: -
- Layers and thickness are important. Day/Night Roller blinds work very well. (Dual Roller Blinds)
- White absorbs less heat than darker colours.
- Thick curtains and Plantation shutters are the most efficient
- There are specially designed blinds will foil backing that reflect the heat from the window, ask for Verosol blinds in our showroom.
- At Premier Shades we offer a free in home measure and quote. Our consultants are trained in how to manage heat with window furnishings and can offer advice to suit your situation.
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